Snow storm in my city...


There are rare days like this one today, where according to the news channels, it is zero visitbility. Wonder how there are cars that seems to be still moving, crawling. My house is right to the highway and I can barely see the vehicles but can see the flashing headlights, a sign that they are moving.
I am comfortable ensconced in my home and watching this. But also feeling a bit guilty about people who are out there, either driving or clearing the snow for us.
The news people, weather people, feel grateful that they are doing their jobs and keeping us informed.
It is  not just the roads, even flights have been cancelled or indefinitely delayed. The journalists are doing a fantastic job today by keeping track of every minute and keeping citizens informed.
I did benefit from this deluge of information because my son was on his way back from work yesterday and he kept sending texts making inquiries about traffic conditions. I turned on the channel and kept sending him reports. His usual drive time is 40 minutes and the snow storm day it took him a little over 2 hours.
Schools and my college was closed and I got a day to get my manicure and pedicure sitting right in front of my window and watching this lovely snowfall. Have not seen this storm in five years or so. It is just beautiful.
                                       That is the visibility and the snow storm captured at its best
                                         Another pic captured through the blinds, I dare not step out
                                          Four to five cms of snow on my window sill collected in about 40 minutes
                                         Guess another centimeter or two has been added
                                          And some more on my faux-balcony
                                          More snow piling
                                          storm and snow are staying together in tough time I guess!!!
                                          Visibility is almost zero
                                         A little better after I went a bit closer and used a better lens
                                          Close-up of snow
                                         Best possible visibility since morning
                          My barbecue grill, usually filled with steaks and meats, today it is having snow for a change
  All you get to see is the brick facades of town homes I live in, rooftops are covered under piles of snow
Days like these also give you a bonus holiday. You are free to use it however you wish to and not feel guilty at all.... I love such rare days. yay, no school, no shopping, no going out--can I help if there is a storm out there?

Ranga Rajah
February 8 2013


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