Balmy Bombay Nights

tandblekningar strips

                                         The heat in Canada today reminds me of the days and nights in Bombay. My sisters and I used to take long walks after dinner and on our way back home, we used to sit beneath the fragrant tree. One can only imagine the lingering fragrance of these frangipani flowers on those balmy nights. It is over 2 decades now, I no longer get to take those walks with my sisters, but the memories of sitting on the rock beside this tree at times, or sitting directly beneath this tree on some other nights. We were told by our that, this tree attracts snakes, we used to be scared. But some days we used to dare and sit beneath this tree, but very warily and keeping a stick or a stone handy. When I think of it now, I wonder how the hell we would have hit/killed a snake with a stick or a stone. But those were the days of innocence and an urge to cross set limits...
No one to set boundaries now, we are all mature adults and have all the freedom in the world to choose to sit under any tree we wish to. But, I miss those boundaries and those set limits...

Ranga Rajah


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